martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

My career

I’ m studying the major of Public administration, because is a profession who have an important place in the society, and a extended labour field. Also, I like it because, I love the city where my department take place. The professionals of my area contribute to society because they are in charge of solve social needs, join technical expert with political decisions, and contribute to make a better government.
A professional of Public Administration, needs to develop a variety of tools for his future: needs to know about law , dominate management techniques, understand economical process, and analyze political events.
My favourite subject is History of the Institutions of Chile, because we have to: analyze the historical events from a new scientific perspective, understand oldest political decisions, and realize how institutions influence society. Is a very difficult subject, me and my partners have to read a lot, study for weekly tests, and do some “ayudantía” homework. How ever still been very interesting.

1 comentario:

  1. Is a very difficult subject;* *my partners and I* have to read a lot, study for weekly tests, and do some “ayudantía” homework. However,* *it has* still been very interesting.
